A new draft transport strategy published by Welsh Government has been launched and is open for consultation.

The vision for the draft strategy ‘Llwybr Newydd – New Path’ proposes an accessible, sustainable transport system set over a 20 year plan. Four ambitious priority strands have been identified and developed to be delivered over a 5 year period focusing on 9 transport modes and sectors:
- Walking and cycling
- Bus
- Rail
- Road, streets and parking
- Third sector
- Taxis and private hire vehicles
- Freight and logistics
- Ports and maritime transport
- Aviation
Welsh Government pledge a major reduction to carbon emissions to tackle climate change and outline plans to see 30% of the workforce in Wales staying at or near home in the long term, even after the coronavirus crisis ends.
The draft strategy also recognises that people will still need to travel for business and commits to providing more sustainable transport options that everyone can, wants and does use.

Modal shift and behavioural change towards a greener transport system is progressing in Wales – the new strategy looks to prevent future social and environmental problems by planning for better active travel options and improving local and digital services to encourage car users to consider other options.
All of which will be achieved by adopting the five ways of working as set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
You can read the consultation documents and respond to the consultation ,here with options available to contribute online or by email or post.
The deadline is 25 January 2021.
Need help preparing your consultation response?
The team at Thirty4/7 Communications can assist with the development of your consultation response. To find out more, get in touch with us ,here.