We have a proud background in supporting the delivery of renewables schemes across the UK. With significant experience in Wales with onshore wind, solar and green hydrogen, we have worked extensively with stakeholders and communities over many years to help communicate the benefits of these projects.

Additional expertise in supporting large scale renewables projects across the UK means we can provide a full-service addition to any project team looking to develop renewables schemes of any type.

Aerial Drone Panorama Of Turbines At A Large Onshore Windfarm In Wales Scaled
Expressway Top View, Road Traffic An Important Infrastructure


‘Infrastructure’ covers a wide range of potential planning projects – from new roads to utilities upgrades and waste disposal. Large scale schemes can appear complicated, confusing or just too hard to engage with for local communities.

We work closely with clients and local stakeholders to design consultation and engagement programmes that help to break down the key issues, clearly explain the proposals, and provide the tools to properly engage and contribute to the development of the scheme.


For clients seeking to deliver new homes – whether that is through new residential housing development, student accommodation, or build to rent (BTR) – Thirty4/7 Communications has the expertise required.

New housing is of critical importance for the country, yet rarely are there projects that elicit more local concern when they are proposed. Tackling the inevitable questions around construction, loss of land, traffic and infrastructure and general fear of the unknown is imperative from the outside when engaging stakeholders and communities on this issue.

The team at Thirty4/7 has wide ranging experience across strategic land promotion, green field development, and city centre regeneration. We’ve worked with national housebuilders, strategic land promoters, student accommodation providers and BTR investors to successfully assist through the pre-application process across the UK.


Commercial and Retail

Commercial developments and retail often have very specific communications challenges and planning nuances. We are proud to have supported numerous applications through the planning process across the South West and Wales for clients looking to de-risk the planning process and maximise the return for their proposed commercial projects.

Engaging the local community on the issue of commercial development is sometimes difficult given the nature of the project and locations, however, there can be significant opportunity to emphasise the economic benefits of these developments and mobilise communities and stakeholders to show their support for proposals when they feel part of the planning process. We have secured some important successes for clients in this area through grass-roots engagement with local residents and stakeholders.