Earth Day is a day to honour and celebrate planet Earth, bringing together people from across the globe to confront major challenges like climate change, plastic pollution and habitat destruction. Earth Day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the threats to our planet and celebrate the beauty and diversity of our natural world.
Account Executive Holly Simons has looked into the origins of the initiative, and how it relates to Thirty4/7 Communications and the work that we do.
Founded on 22 April 1970, Earth Day is considered the start of the modern environmental movement. The initiative was a response to escalating environmental concerns during a time when discussions about protecting the planet were limited and activities such as burning fossil fuels were widespread. The inaugural Earth Day in 1970 witnessed 20 million people take to the streets of the United States to protest environmental destruction, leading to the enactment of landmark environmental laws in the U.S. including the Clear Air Act, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act, along with the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Although rooted in the US, by 1990, Earth Day had become an international campaign, paving the way for the global age of climate action, including the historic Paris Agreement which was signed by leaders from 175 countries on Earth Day 2016, as well as advancements in education and environmental literacy through various projects and advocacy work.
How does this impact what we do?
Here at Thirty4/7 Communications, we are reminded of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability through the work we conduct daily to advance renewable energy developments to meet net-zero targets. Through consultation processes and effective communications strategies, we engage with local communities and stakeholders to ensure all parties involved have their say when it comes to renewable energy developments.
This year’s Earth Day theme is a call to action: ‘Planet vs. Plastics’ demonstrates a commitment to making significant strides towards reducing plastic pollution for the well-being of our planet, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040 ( Single-use plastics contribute significantly to pollution, harming wildlife, ecosystems, and human health. To achieve this target, the organisation is raising awareness about the effects of microplastics on babies and children, striving to eliminate single-use plastics, and understanding the health implications of plastic.
How can we do better?
At Thirty4/7 Communications, we are dedicated to supporting the delivery of projects and infrastructure that will result in a greener, more sustainable future. We seek to minimise our plastic usage wherever possible, such as identifying opportunities to use recyclable consultation materials such as information banners and pens, encouraging use of public transport, and providing all staff with reusable products like water bottles. However we know we can go much further with this, and we’re actively looking at how best to do that.
Our Partnership with Sero Zero Waste
Based in the same city as Thirty4/7 Communications’ HQ, Sero Zero Waste, Newport’s first zero waste shop, provides a space where you can refill containers with food, personal care and household cleaning products. As well as a refill-shop, Sero is a space where the local community can meet to take action against waste through informative, sustainable workshops, clothes swaps, and repair cafés.
Liz Carnevale, Sero Zero Waste Co-founder, spoke to us about the importance of reducing plastic waste:
‘I am so glad that Earth Day 2024 is highlighting the importance of moving away from single use plastics to help our health and save our planet. The problem with single-use plastic is that it is used for a short time, sometimes just minutes and then thrown away. These plastics then break down into microplastics which are absorbed by us and the environment, releasing toxic chemicals into our water and food sources.’
She went on to explain how Sero Zero Waste is combating plastic pollution:
‘At Sero Zero Waste, reducing single-use plastics is at the core of what we do. Our mission is to offer our local community the option of reusing containers they already have at home by refilling them again and again. We offer everything from dry whole foods, eco-friendly cleaning products and personal care items in refill form. Over the last 3 years out customers have saved over 35,000 pieces of plastic entering the waste stream by reusing and refilling their containers.’
Our pledge
Thirty4/7 Communications is proud to support Sero Zero Waste through donations to assist with its fundraising, and pro-bono media relations and stakeholder engagement support to help promote them. In return, Sero is advising us on how best we can be less wasteful and adopt a better approach to plastic reduction and making use of materials in a more ‘planet-friendly’ way.
As a company, we are continually inspired to review our plastic consumption and identify ways in which we can further reduce our single-use plastics use. We’re keen to hold ourselves to account on this front, so keep an eye out in the next few months for a follow up blog setting out what we’ve done as a company to achieve this.
If you’d like to learn more about how to reduce your plastics use, and find ways to get involved, please take a look at some of the links below:
Visit Sero Zero Waste in Newport: Sero: Zero-Waste Shop, Newport – Sero Zero Waste
Find out more about Earth Day: Earth Day 2024 | Activities & Resources for April 22 – Earth Day
Sign the Treaty calling for a reduction of single-use plastics: Global Plastics Treaty (
Learn about how to reduce your plastic use: 9 ways to reduce your plastic use | Greenpeace UK
Find a refill shop near you: UK Directory of Zero Waste Shops – Eco Thrifty Living
Our Carbon Reduction Pledge
At Thirty4/7 Communications we committed to becoming a ‘climate positive business’ meaning that since 2021, we have been actively seeking to offset the company’s carbon footprint through planting new trees and investing in renewable energy generation schemes across the world through Ecologi. Find out more:
Our Partnership with Stump Up for Trees
In December 2022 Thirty4/7 Communications announced its partnership with South Wales charity Stump Up for Trees (SUFT). SUFT is aiming to plant one million trees through working with local landowners to designate areas of their land for new planting. The charity’s aim is to enhance local biodiversity and flood management naturally, as well as educating the local community about the importance of this initiative. Find out more: