Thirty4/7 Communications is delighted to be supporting Coriolis Energy and Irish state utility giant ESB on their
Y Bryn onshore wind farm proposals.
The scheme, which would see 26 turbines of up to 250m in height, would be one of the country’s largest onshore wind schemes and is classed as a Development of National Significance, providing a significant contribution to UK renewables targets.
The scheme also represents an important benchmark for community ownership, with up to 20% of the project capital available for local community and public sector investment.
Trevor Hunter, Y Bryn Project Manager at Coriolis Energy said:
“We’re pleased to have appointed Thirty4/7 Communications to assist us with delivering what will be one of the UK’s largest new onshore wind developments. I look forward to working with Thirty4/7 over the coming years and benefitting from their expertise in this sector.”
Will Morgan, Founding Director of Thirty4/7 Communications said:
“We’re excited to be supporting the Y Bryn project team and delivering a communications, consultation and engagement strategy to see this important project through the pre-application process. The team is looking forward to advising on all aspects of engagement, and utilising our wide ranging collective experience in supporting developments of national significance such as this.”
The consultation and engagement programme will incorporate virtual engagement methods alongside traditional consultation to ensure accessibility for local communities throughout the process.
To find out more, get in touch with the team.